The AmericasПн, 02 сен

1. Claudia Sheinbaum will inherit a poisoned chalice in MexicoЧт, 05 сен[-/+]
Her predecessor’s last act is a dangerous overhaul of the constitution

2. Electing top judges has been a disaster in BoliviaЧт, 05 сен[-/+]
The fight over the courts has poisoned politics

3. The all-powerful judge taking on Elon MuskВт, 03 сен[-/+]
Is the legal cure of banning X worse than the disease?

4. Nicolas Maduro digs in with the help of a pliant Supreme CourtЧт, 29 авг[-/+]
His inner circle is another barrier to compromise

5. AMLO’s dangerous last blast threatens MexicoЧт, 29 авг[-/+]
The outgoing president will use his last month in power to change the constitution

6. Canada’s Conservatives are crushing Justin TrudeauЧт, 29 авг[-/+]
Pierre Poilievre is even winning over the young and the unionised

7. Javier Milei is splurging on the armyЧт, 22 авг[-/+]
Many Argentines are asking why

8. Confused and dirty: Claudia Sheinbaum’s energy planЧт, 22 авг[-/+]
She cannot boost renewables while propping up the state oil and power giants

9. Investors panicked after Mexico’s election. Were they right?Чт, 22 авг[-/+]
Claudia Sheinbaum takes over power on October 1st

10. A bold plan to close the deadly Darien Gap unravelsЧт, 15 авг[-/+]
America and Panama struggle to control surging migration

11. Peru’s crazy drivers offer a data deluge for self-driving carsЧт, 15 авг[-/+]
A startup sees value in the chaos of the country’s streets

12. Colombia prepares for a vanilla boomЧт, 08 авг[-/+]
Purveyors of scented products and posh ice-creams take note

13. How the mad, bad Maduro regime clings to powerВт, 06 авг[-/+]
Behind-the-scenes negotiations seek to ease him out of office

14. After protests over a stolen election, the goons crack headsЧт, 01 авг[-/+]
Yet the brazenness of Nicolas Maduro’s theft crosses a line

15. The plight of Brazil’s indigenous groups worsensЧт, 01 авг[-/+]
Blame illegal miners, ranchers, loggers, traffickers and an unsympathetic Congress

16. Will El Mayo’s arrest slow the spread of fentanyl?Чт, 01 авг[-/+]
The United States nets a very big fish

17. Nicolas Maduro claims implausible victory in Venezuela’s electionВт, 30 июл[-/+]
Few believe him

18. The strong dollar is hurting exports from Latin AmericaЧт, 25 июл[-/+]
For three small dollarised economies it has exposed a lack of competitiveness

19. Cuba is out of supplies and out of ideasВс, 21 июл[-/+]
Penury is pushing the island towards Russia and China

20. Crypto cowboys have found paradise in ParaguayЧт, 18 июл[-/+]
Cheap electricity, lax laws and low taxes: what’s not to like?

21. Peru’s president survives because she’s not in chargeЧт, 18 июл[-/+]
The lawmakers are dismantling institutions

22. Under Lula, Brazil is walking on the financial wild sideЧт, 18 июл[-/+]
Investors have started to worry about deficits and debt

23. A new danger for Venezuela’s autocratЧт, 11 июл[-/+]
The regime’s dilemma is rig or lose the election on July 28th

24. In Catholic Argentina, Javier Milei embraces JudaismЧт, 11 июл[-/+]
That is not universally welcomed by Argentine Jews

25. The irrelevance of MercosurЧт, 11 июл[-/+]
Once the herald of a liberal future, the trade bloc’s members are increasingly at odds

26. Mexico has become a testing ground for psychedelic therapiesЧт, 04 июл[-/+]
From ibogaine to LSD, the benefits of psychedelics are not yet backed up by strong medical evidence

27. Paraguay and Taiwan strengthen their embrace, for nowЧт, 04 июл[-/+]
Paraguay has benefited from increased Taiwanese investment, but will it be enough to ward off the lure of Beijing?

28. China’s presence in Latin America has expanded dramaticallyЧт, 04 июл[-/+]
The region’s leaders are failing to consider the risks of growing dependence

29. Vancouver pioneered liberal drug policies. Fentanyl destroyed themЧт, 27 июн[-/+]
So-called harm-reduction measures have become a rod for Justin Trudeau’s back

30. A Kenyan-led security mission finally starts to arrive in HaitiЧт, 27 июн[-/+]
But can it make a difference?

31. An apparent coup in Bolivia founders, but the country remains in troubleЧт, 27 июн[-/+]
The sight of armoured vehicles ramming the presidential palace will scare investors away

32. Javier Milei has turned Argentina into a libertarian laboratoryЧт, 20 июн[-/+]
But the biggest economic test is yet to come

33. Javier Milei finally lugs key reforms through Argentina’s SenateЧт, 13 июн[-/+]
Markets celebrated the two bills’ passing, after protesters took to the streets of Buenos Aires

34. Why Latin America is the world’s trade pipsqueakЧт, 13 июн[-/+]
Its geography hinders commerce. But so does policy

35. Colombia’s leftist president is flailingЧт, 13 июн[-/+]
His attempts at reform are increasingly infuriating Colombians

36. A battle royal over deep-sea archaeology in the CaribbeanЧт, 06 июн[-/+]
Colombia begins to explore one of the world’s most contested shipwrecks

37. Claudia Sheinbaum’s landslide victory is a danger for MexicoЧт, 06 июн[-/+]
She has huge power, but faces huge challenges

38. As seas rise, the relocation of Caribbean islanders has begunВт, 04 июн[-/+]
The government-managed movement of 300 families from the island of Gardi Sugdub is a test case for “planned retreat” in Latin America

39. Violence mars Mexicans’ biggest elections everСб, 01 июн[-/+]
A lot is at stake besides who will become the new president

40. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s mananeras boost his presidencyЧт, 30 мая[-/+]
They are a marvel of populist communication

41. Bolivia’s left wing is at war with itselfЧт, 30 мая[-/+]
The feud is preventing the government from addressing a looming economic crisis

42. Canada’s jade mines boomed on Chinese demand. Now that’s overЧт, 30 мая[-/+]
Local indigenous groups are happy that jade mines will no longer scar their lands

43. Mexico’s next president can reset relations with the United StatesПн, 27 мая[-/+]
She will have much work to do on drug-trafficking, security, migration and trade

44. Mexico’s mighty diaspora punches below its weight in electionsЧт, 23 мая[-/+]
But its participation is steadily increasing

45. Canadians are taking dramatic steps to avoid more ruinous firestormsЧт, 23 мая[-/+]
The focus is as much on mitigation and preparation as on suppression

46. Criminal gangs are showing their muscle as Mexico’s elections loomСр, 22 мая[-/+]
The next president must make the country safer

47. Why Mexico’s largest-ever election mattersЧт, 16 мая[-/+]
The results will determine the political environment in which Mexico’s next president operates

48. Huge floods in Brazil’s south are a harbinger of disasters to comeЧт, 16 мая[-/+]
Climate change is making weather events more extreme in the region

49. Luis Abinader is poised for a thumping re-election winЧт, 16 мая[-/+]
Voters rate the management of economy and his fight against corruption

50. Facebook turned off the news in Canada. What happened next?Чт, 16 мая[-/+]
A law intended to help small publishers is harming them

51. The world’s most violent region needs a new approach to crimeЧт, 09 мая[-/+]
Gangs are gaining ground in Latin America. Iron-fist policies won’t beat them back

52. Rural Colombia welcomes gangs that mete out vigilante justiceЧт, 09 мая[-/+]
Using grisly methods, the gangs enforce social conservatism

53. Years of growth forged prosaic politics. Now Panamanians are fed upЧт, 02 мая[-/+]
They will elect a new president on May 5th

54. Latin America’s farmers are cashing in on hot hot-cocoa pricesЧт, 02 мая[-/+]
They aim to spend the windfall improving their technology to expand production

55. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will haunt his successorВт, 30 апр[-/+]
Mexico’s next president will struggle against gangs, poverty and migration

56. Dengue fever is surging in Latin AmericaЧт, 25 апр[-/+]
The number of people who succumb to the disease has been rising for two decades

57. Meet Argentina’s richest manЧт, 25 апр[-/+]
The boss of Mercado Libre ponders Javier Milei, self-doubt and the dangers of wokery

58. Why Ecuador risked global condemnation to storm Mexico’s embassyЧт, 18 апр[-/+]
Jorge Glas, who had claimed asylum from Mexico, is accused of abetting drug networks

59. The world’s insatiable appetite for Canada’s maple syrupЧт, 18 апр[-/+]
Production is booming, but climate change is making output more erratic

60. Elon Musk is feuding with Brazil’s powerful Supreme CourtВс, 14 апр[-/+]
The court has become the de facto regulator of social media in the country

61. Haiti’s transitional government must take office amid gang warfareЧт, 11 апр[-/+]
Only after it is installed can an international security force be deployed to the country

62. Chinese green technologies are pouring into Latin AmericaСр, 10 апр[-/+]
That is prompting anxiety in the United States about security, coercion and competition

63. Brazil and Colombia are curbing destruction of Amazon rainforestВс, 07 апр[-/+]
Tree loss in South America fell by almost a quarter in 2023, compared with the year before

64. Justin Trudeau is beset by a divided party and an angry electorateЧт, 04 апр[-/+]
After almost a decade in power, Canada’s prime minister looks beleaguered

65. South American vineyards brace for tricky summers aheadЧт, 04 апр[-/+]
Climate change is hurting the wine regions of Chile and Argentina

66. Latin America’s new hard right: Bukele, Milei, Kast and BolsonaroПн, 01 апр[-/+]
Crime, abortion and socialism, not immigration, are the issues that rile them

67. Nicolas Maduro’s sham election: the sequelСр, 27 мар[-/+]
Venezuela’s unpopular president is reusing a familiar script

68. Can Haiti’s police hold on?Ср, 27 мар[-/+]
Help is taking time to arrive, as politics delays an international security mission

69. The cocaine trade is booming in Europe’s Caribbean territoriesСр, 27 мар[-/+]
The overseas possessions provide an easy route into the EU

70. AMLO is trying to bury the tragedy of Mexico’s missing peopleЧт, 21 мар[-/+]
Relatives say the president is disappearing the disappeared

71. After 100 brutal days, Javier Milei has markets believingВт, 19 мар[-/+]
Argentines have not given up on him either

72. The struggle to free Haiti from violence and impotent governanceЧт, 14 мар[-/+]
Disagreements have already sprung up about who will manage the transition of power in the country

73. Mexico and Brazil dither as chip supply chains are reforgedЧт, 14 мар[-/+]
American efforts to reduce reliance on Asia for semiconductors present an opportunity

74. Could there be a US-Mexico trade war?Вт, 12 мар[-/+]
The bilateral trade deficit has exploded since Donald Trump was president

75. Corruption is surging across Latin AmericaЧт, 07 мар[-/+]
Political blowback from a period of intense anti-corruption campaigns is to blame

76. The last scraps of the Haitian state are evaporatingЧт, 07 мар[-/+]
Rape, murder and theft have long been facts of life

77. The former president of Honduras is tried for drug traffickingЧт, 29 фев[-/+]
Juan Orlando Hernandez used to be a prominent ally in the US war on drugs

78. Argentina’s football clubs are resisting privatisationЧт, 29 фев[-/+]
Javier Milei wants to attract foreign money into ailing teams

79. Lula’s gaffes are dulling Brazil’s G20 shineСр, 28 фев[-/+]
Its relationships with the West are healing. But Brazil has not decided what kind of country it will be

80. Introducing El Boletin, our new weekly newsletter on Latin AmericaПт, 23 фев[-/+]
Sign up to understand the forces shaping a fascinating and complex region

81. Jovenel Moise’s widow is accused of being party to his murderЧт, 22 фев[-/+]
She denies the allegations, and many in Haiti think that the charges are political

82. What Javier Milei could learn from Peru’s economic successesЧт, 22 фев[-/+]
Argentina’s libertarian president wants to rip up the rule book. He shouldn’t

83. Why Lula keeps meddling with Latin America’s top oil companyЧт, 15 фев[-/+]
His worst instincts are undermining the national oil company’s hard-won gains

84. Chile’s crisis is not over yetЧт, 15 фев[-/+]
Political tumult is now the norm in the country

85. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador splashes out as elections loomЧт, 08 фев[-/+]
The trouble is Mexico can’t pay the president’s bill

86. Mexico’s president and his family are fighting claims of corruptionЧт, 08 фев[-/+]
The truth is that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has done too little to tackle the problem in society

87. After Nayib Bukele’s crushing, unconstitutional victory, what next?Пн, 05 фев[-/+]
El Salvador’s “philosopher king” is already hinting at a third term

88. Did spies from China, India and Russia meddle in Canada’s elections?Чт, 01 фев[-/+]
A new inquiry seeks to find out the extent of foreign interference

89. Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s dictator, thumbs his nose at Joe BidenСр, 31 янв[-/+]
But will America reinstate all of its sanctions on the South American country?

90. Can Lula fix Brazil’s fiscal mess?Пн, 29 янв[-/+]
Reform of the world’s most complicated tax system will cut businesses’ costs—if lobbies permit it

91. Can Ecuador free itself from the grasp of the drug lords?Чт, 25 янв[-/+]
Prosecutors are facing murder and obstruction to clean up the rot in the state

92. Colombia’s first avowedly left-wing president is mired in scandalЧт, 25 янв[-/+]
Gustavo Petro’s son, brother, and former chief of staff are all under investigation

93. The prospect of a Trump presidency looms over Mexico’s electionsВт, 23 янв[-/+]
Rows over drugs, migration and trade threaten to harm relations

94. Plunging fertility rates are creating problems for Latin AmericaЧт, 18 янв[-/+]
Rapidly ageing societies will struggle to afford pensions and health care

95. Wild boar hybrids are raising hell on the Canadian prairiesЧт, 18 янв[-/+]
They are well adapted to the cold, with thick fur, long legs, and tusks as sharp as steak knives

96. The fightback against Javier Milei’s radical reforms has begunВс, 14 янв[-/+]
Argentina’s powerful trade unions are preparing to strike on January 24th

97. Guatemala’s new president promises a better sort of governmentЧт, 11 янв[-/+]
But Bernardo Arevalo has an uphill task

98. How Ecuador became Latin America’s deadliest countryСр, 10 янв[-/+]
Forty-eight hours of mayhem as gangsters murder prison guards and raid a TV station

99. The dwindling of the Panama Canal boosts rival trade routesВт, 09 янв[-/+]
But they may end up more complementary than competitive

100. Why is Brazil a hotspot for financial crime?Чт, 04 янв[-/+]
Its success as a fintech hub is mostly to blame

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