reddit: the front page of the internet18:05

1. ? Reykjavik, Iceland with a volcano erupting behind it14:44[-/+]
? Reykjavik, Iceland with a volcano erupting behind it submitted by /u/bendubberley_ to r/NatureIsFuckingLit
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2. You can tell how much this meant to him.14:28[-/+]
You can tell how much this meant to him. submitted by /u/mindyour to r/justgalsbeingchicks
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4. JD Vance moans 'it's cold here' after landing in Greenland's subzero zone13:44[-/+]
JD Vance moans 'it's cold here' after landing in Greenland's subzero zone submitted by /u/MisterrTickle to r/nottheonion
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5. The Hole13:25[-/+]
The Hole submitted by /u/afterdeathcomics to r/comics
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6. Quokkas can be convincing13:06[-/+]
Quokkas can be convincing submitted by /u/guyoffthegrid to r/MadeMeSmile
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7. What it's like at the roof deck swimming pool of a high rise building during an earthquake.12:44[-/+]
What it's like at the roof deck swimming pool of a high rise building during an earthquake. submitted by /u/rco888 to r/interestingasfuck
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8. This Studio Ghibli AI trend is an utter insult to the studio and anime/cinema in general.12:27[-/+]

What's up with these AI Ghibli pics recently? Wherever I go, I just cannot escape it. Being a guy who loves the cinematic art in any form, seeing this trend getting this scale of traction is simply sad. I have profound respect for the studio and I was amazed by their work when I discovered movies like Castle in The Sky, Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited away, etc. And when I got to know how these movies are made and how much manual effort it takes to produce them, my appreciation only increased. But here comes some AI tool that can replicate this in a matter of minutes. This is no less than a slap on the faces of artists who spend hours imagining and creating something like this.

I am not against AI, or advancements it is making. But there must be a limit to this. You can cut a fruit as well as stab someone with a kitchen knife. Right now, it is the latter happening with the use of AI tools just for cheap social media points. Sad state of affairs.

What do you think? Do you guys like his trend?

submitted by /u/Funendra to r/movies
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9. The Americans are asleep, quick post pictures of our abundance of eggs!11:32[-/+]
The Americans are asleep, quick post pictures of our abundance of eggs! submitted by /u/rlovelock to r/pics
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10. CCTV footage from the recent earthquake in Myanmar/Thailand11:06[-/+]
CCTV footage from the recent earthquake in Myanmar/Thailand submitted by /u/Reasonable-Pop-9933 to r/nextfuckinglevel
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13. Which traditionally unattractive person do you find attractive?03:32[-/+]
submitted by /u/OptimisticPlatypus to r/AskReddit
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14. US tells French companies to comply with Donald Trump’s anti-diversity order02:51[-/+]
US tells French companies to comply with Donald Trump’s anti-diversity order submitted by /u/ToinouAngel to r/europe
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15. HELP!!!! Kid put permanent marker on counter while we are trying to sell our house!02:40[-/+]
HELP!!!! Kid put permanent marker on counter while we are trying to sell our house! submitted by /u/Dwestmor1007 to r/CleaningTips
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16. Very under dressed indeed.01:03[-/+]
Very under dressed indeed. submitted by /u/javelin3000 to r/MurderedByWords
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17. Elon Musk's xAI buys social media platform X for $45 billion00:37[-/+]
submitted by /u/DeepestWinterBlue to r/news
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18. AITA for telling my wife that I'm ending our marriage because I found her brother at our house ( again) and said it in front of him?00:30[-/+]

I ( M38) left my wife ( Kelly F38) today. 5 years together. 4 married. I have battled her lack of boundaries about her family for the past 2 years. I understand that they are very close knit, but she never paid attention to how their dynamics affected our relationship. I experienced every “justnofamily” situation. My food was eaten, showing up uninvited, meddling, you name it. 9 months ago, MIL and FIL began divorce proceedings ( he cheated, fell “madly” in love with a side chick with whom he's lived for the past 15 years, and he decided that he wants to get remarried). He kicked everyone out of the house. It was an emergency, so I agreed to help out. I so fucking regret it. I had to take 4 people in, but they couldn't think to avoid constantly pissing me off.

I got sick of finding them using our private bathroom ( they had complete access to the other full bathroom by the hallway). SIL started taking naps on our bed which is creepy because a bed is too personal. I came home late and we had to wake her up and still waited for her to snap out of her groggy state so that she could walk out. It lasted for 3 months, but the problems persisted. No matter how many times I told my wife and even told them, they still showed up at random hours. Even if I didn't run into them, I know she was allowing them to come over. I hated their presence. They would eat my snacks and get on my expensive recliner chair which again, they didn't contribute a penny for. I had a mini orchard that they picked empty. Things got so tense that I blew at her in front of them. They left, we had a fight and I ended up sleeping in a hotel. I warned her many times about being fed up and needing her to support me. She acted like I was demanding that she abandoned her family.

Today, I came home to find her brother's car blocking the entrance. Not on the side and not even on the driveway, just right in the middle where my only option would be to get on the lawn. I go inside and he's laying with his shoes on the couch. He gave me this fresh smile like he's untouchable. I went to our bedroom and packed as much of my belongings as possible and ignored her pleas to talk. There's nothing else to talk about. I already called a few lawyers but haven't received any replies yet. She cried, but at this point, I have no empathy. I don't even know if I over reacted or if I needed to discuss this in private. I feel defeated and angry and I also hate her family with my soul. They knew they were hurting our relationship and they didn't care. She knew that I'm a private person who hates being invaded. I helped them because I love her and I didn't have the balls to let them go to sleep in their car. We don't have kids, but there are so many things that will be left undone. I loved her so much, but I just can't do this. She called me immediately after I left and I told her that my decision is final. She sounded shaken, but I told her that right now, I despise her and will never be able to sleep next to her again.

Sorry for any typos. I have a migraine right now. I'm just coming here because I just want to ask if leaving the way that I did was an asshole move and maybe I should have announced my intention of ending our marriage after her brother was gone.

submitted by /u/Prior-Bus9723 to r/AITAH
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19. Insult to Life Itself [OC]00:03[-/+]
Insult to Life Itself [OC] submitted by /u/adamtots_remastered to r/comics
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20. As a non-smoker, do you find that all smokers have a noticeable odor?Пт, 28 мар[-/+]

Today is a good day to learn. I've been a daily smoker for almost 20 years now, smoking more on weekdays. It's become my norm, and I haven't noticed the smell of cigarettes on someone in a long time. However, I do remember finding it unpleasant as a child. I never smoke indoors, and no one has mentioned any odor to me so far. I also take good care of my hygiene and overall appearance. I'm curious—what do non-smokers think about this?

submitted by /u/Remozy to r/NoStupidQuestions
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21. Whats going on with the unedited interview Elon Musk agreed to with Jon Stewart?Пт, 28 мар[-/+]

Jon Stewart wanted an interview, and musk said only if it was unedited, to which Stewart immediately agreed to. Has Musk given any official reason to backing out after his demands were met?

submitted by /u/ListlessLink to r/OutOfTheLoop
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22. JD Vance Warns of 'Very Strong Evidence' China, Russia Want GreenlandПт, 28 мар[-/+]
JD Vance Warns of 'Very Strong Evidence' China, Russia Want Greenland submitted by /u/MartinO1234 to r/worldnews
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23. The tiny egg and the life it producedПт, 28 мар[-/+]
The tiny egg and the life it produced submitted by /u/HentaiUwu_6969 to r/BeAmazed
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24. Why do they build these huge expensive houses with absolutely no yard?Пт, 28 мар[-/+]
submitted by /u/rordawg081 to r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer
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25. Car prices could jump $6,000 as Trump's 25% import tariff kicks in | Brace for higher car pricesПт, 28 мар[-/+]
Car prices could jump $6,000 as Trump's 25% import tariff kicks in | Brace for higher car prices submitted by /u/chrisdh79 to r/technology
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